The Gospel & Academia Project

The Gospel &
Academia Project

The Gospel
& Academia Project

foundational resources for students and early career academics


Intellectual Vision

Together we curate and commission foundational resources for Christians at the outset of their university careers, celebrating an evangelical intellectual vision for a life of academic service.

The Gospel & Academia Project (GAP) is a resource-development collaboration seeking to strengthen a long-term evangelical theological contribution to the wider faith-and-scholarship conversation. We provide a dedicated space for those whose primary confessional commitments are settled but who would like to help each other fill what is often perceived as a ‘gap’ when it comes to an evangelical investment in the intellectual life.

vision & Values

Working Together

Our collaborating partners have identified three foundational commitments as especially helpful for the cultivation of gospel-centred fellowship in this arena.

Who are we in the university?

We are scholars who share an historic evangelical Protestant doctrinal confession in the primary matters of Christian belief.

What are we doing?

We are committed to serving Christ both as our faith shapes our scholarship and as our scholarship helps us introduce our faith.

How are we doing it?

We seek to develop an integrity of approach so that we pursue our twofold task in a way that is consistent with our confession.


Latest Resources

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Individual and Group Study Guides

How does the reality of the kingdom of God change the way we think about the specifics of life in the university and beyond? How

Matt Peckham
Individual and Group Study Guides

How does the reality of the kingdom of God change the way we think about the specifics of life in the university and beyond? How

Matt Peckham
Individual and Group Study Guides

How does the reality of the kingdom of God change the way we think about the specifics of life in the university and beyond? How

Matt Peckham
Theological Vision Guides

When taken together, seven key biblical themes can show us how to think about the relationship between (academic) work and evangelism

Articles and Essays

How Christianity has enriched the profession of Speech and Language Therapy, and how Speech and Language Therapy can enrich faith in the Lord Jesus Christ

Sarah Barnett




Resources that encourage believers in critical, theological thinking from a charitable position.


Watch as we engage serious theological and philosophical topics and common puzzles.


[text here]


Study Centre Book Catalogue

The Cambridge Christian Study Centre's reference library has over 600 books on Christianity and the academic disciplines.

If you would like to find which books are available on a particular discipline, you can now explore the library's online catalogue. Use the filter menu to narrow down the books by discipline.

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